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Futurism Blog

Art for All: The rise of AI opens new creative doors

The art world is experiencing a revolution, and the culprit is artificial intelligence (AI). AI art …

The AI Boom and the Energy Drain

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world, from self-driving cars to smartphone assistants.…

AI: Revolutionizing the biotech industry

The world of biotechnology is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the ever-evolving p…

Outsmarting the future: Be ready, not reactive

The future. A swirling vortex of possibilities, both exciting and daunting. While we can’t pre…

The unexpected perks of Chatbot companionship

Imagine a friend who’s always available, a patient listener who never judges, and a conversati…

Why are central banks looking at digital money?

Imagine your cash transformed. No more carrying wallets stuffed with bills, just a tap on your phone…

The web’s next masterpiece: where creativity is headed

The internet started as a wild gallery, anyone could hang their artwork (websites) for the world to …

The Rise of the Zombie Web: Is AI Content Taking Over?

The internet, once a vibrant frontier teeming with human creativity, seems to be succumbing to an in…

Carbon Offsets: Shortcut to Sustainability or Stalled Progress?

Companies love touting their “carbon neutral” status. But how they achieve that label ca…

SpaceX vs. Boeing: A Tale of Two Titans in Space Launch

The American space industry is experiencing a renaissance, fueled by the innovative spirit of privat…

Stepping into the Future: VR and AR Going Big

Remember those clunky virtual reality headsets you saw in old movies? Forget them! VR, along with it…

Vegan World – What About All the Farm Animals?

So, you’re thinking about going vegan, that’s awesome! But what about all the cows, pigs…

Battling Climate Change: Tech to the Rescue!

Our planet is getting warmer, causing problems like floods, droughts, and stronger storms. This is c…

The Balancing Act: Challenges of Globalization and Sustainability

Our world is more connected than ever before. This “globalization” brings both benefits …

The future of the Gig Economy

The Gig Economy: Here to Stay, But Not Set in Stone The gig economy, where people work temporary or …

The Green Economy: Growing Green and Growing Strong

Imagine an economy that thrives while protecting the environment. This is the vision behind the gree…

Redefining the 9-to-5 in a Post-Pandemic World

The pandemic wasn’t just a health crisis; it was a giant reset button on how we work. Suddenly…

Is the world Shrinking? De-globalisation explained

Imagine a world where goods travel less, countries rely on themselves more, and borders feel more li…

The Move Towards a Cashless Society

Remember the days of jingling pockets full of coins and carefully counting out bills? In today&#8217…

Time Travel: A Ticket to Trouble, or Triumph?

The ethics of time travel are a tangled mess, a cosmic Rubik's Cube waiting to be solved. But by thi…

The future of food

Picture a future where juicy steaks are grown in labs, not on ranches. Imagine rows of leafy greens …

What is it like to live in the metaverse?

Imagine a world where you can be anyone, do anything, and go anywhere, all without leaving your livi…

Need to get across town quickly? Try eVTOL.

Imagine a future where instead of stuck in traffic, you zip through the air in a quiet, electric fly…

What do robots dream about?

The prospect of robots dreaming is a fascinating one that has been explored in science fiction and p…