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Is the world Shrinking? De-globalisation explained

Imagine a world where goods travel less, countries rely on themselves more, and borders feel more like walls. That’s the idea behind de-globalisation, a trend that’s shaking up how we trade and interact.

But what exactly is it? Simply put, de-globalisation is a move away from the interconnectedness that’s dominated recent decades. Think of it like untangling a knot of international trade and investment. Instead of relying on faraway factories for cheap goods, countries might start making things at home (reshoring) or nearby (nearshoring). Trade wars and political tensions add fuel to the fire, making some countries question the benefits of being so globally linked.

So, is this the new normal? Will we all be growing our own tomatoes and trading chickens with our neighbors? Not quite. Experts are still debating whether de-globalisation is a temporary blip or a long-term shift. Here’s why:

Reasons for de-globalisation:

  • Disrupted supply chains: The pandemic and recent conflicts showed how fragile global trade can be. Countries might want more control over their essential supplies.
  • Jobs and wages: Some feel globalization hurt local jobs and wages, making people less enthusiastic about free trade.
  • Geopolitical tensions: Rising tensions between superpowers like the US and China make some countries wary of relying on each other too much.

Challenges of de-globalisation:

  • Higher costs: Producing things closer to home can be more expensive, leading to pricier goods for consumers.
  • Limited choices: Say goodbye to that exotic fruit from halfway across the world! De-globalisation could mean fewer options on store shelves.
  • Innovation slowdown: Global collaboration has been a major driver of innovation. Less interaction could stifle progress.

The future is uncertain:

De-globalisation is happening, but it’s unlikely to be a complete reversal. We’ll probably see a more regionalised world, with countries trading more with their neighbors. But completely shutting off from the rest of the world? That’s probably not going to happen.


  • De-globalisation is a complex trend with both pros and cons.
  • It’s unlikely to be a complete reversal of globalization, but it could change the way we trade and interact.
  • Only time will tell what the future holds for a more regionalised world.

So, is the world shrinking? Not exactly. It’s more like rearranging the furniture. Whether it’s a comfortable new layout or a cluttered mess remains to be seen.


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